Don't use cling film like this again! Many people are unaware that it is toxic,

Author:Sheng   Time:2024-02-23 10:18:49

In daily life, we often use cling film to package food, reduce the contact between oxygen in the air and food, delay the oxidation and decay process of food, and maintain the humidity and freshness of food.
However, if used improperly, cling film can pose many risks to human health. Not all cling films can be heated, some of which may produce toxic and harmful substances, and even carcinogens.
So, how should I use and choose cling film? Today, I will explain it clearly. Hurry up and tell your parents!

There are four types of cling film materials

What are harmful after heating?

Cling films may seem soft and transparent, but their materials are different, usually made of the following plastic materials:

Polyethylene (PE)
This is one of the commonly used cling film materials, widely used due to its safety and low cost. Polyethylene cling film has good breathability, but its thermal stability and tensile strength are relatively weak.
The cling film made of this material can generally be used for microwave heating, but when heated for a long time and at a temperature exceeding 110 ℃, there will be a phenomenon of hot melting. Therefore, it is recommended not to wrap food with this type of cling film in the microwave for a long time, and to use ultra-high temperature and long-term heating.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Early cling films often used PVC materials, which had high transparency and good ductility. However, due to the possible plasticizers contained in them, their safety was of concern, especially at high temperatures or when in contact with oily foods.

The cling film made of this material contains plasticizers, which may release harmful substances at high temperatures. It is not recommended for heating.

Polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC)
This material has good barrier properties for cling film, but due to its high cost and environmental impact, it is relatively less used.
The cling film of this type of material has good performance and can withstand high temperatures ranging from 140 ℃ to 180 ℃. It can be used for heating, but it is recommended not to put it in a high-temperature oven for heating.

Other biodegradable materials
With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, some cling films have started to use bio based or biodegradable materials, such as polylactic acid (PLA).
In addition, you can also check the label or packaging instructions, and some manufacturers usually indicate on the packaging of the cling film whether it can be used for heating.
If the cling film is purchased through legitimate channels and the packaging clearly indicates that it can be used for microwave heating, then this type of cling film is usually safe.

Does plastic wrap contain plasticizers that can cause cancer?

When it comes to plastic wrap, people may think of carcinogenic "plasticizers". PVC cling films containing DEHP plasticizers do pose certain risks, but there is no need to worry too much about other categories.

During the heating process, DEHP plasticizers may leak out, posing a threat to human health. For example, they may interfere with the human hormone system, cause endocrine disorders, and even lead to reproductive defects or other reproductive damage. However, the concentration of DEHP plasticizers in daily human contact is usually much lower than the dosage that may cause these health problems.
So as long as the use of DEHP plasticizers meets relevant requirements and is reasonable

Shandong Kangye Plastic Products Co.Ltd

Contact number: 0539-8337128
Phone: 15554953319
Address: industrial park, lanshan district, linyi city, shandong province