Are all foods suitable for use with plastic wrap?

Author:Sheng   Time:2017-09-25 14:32:11

Plastic wrap in our day is now unable to break, and everyone's dependence on plastic film more and more strong, vegetables, fruits, leftovers, as long as the lid on it, the heart will be a lot of strong, will feel.

Recently, however, a study in the United States pointed out that not all foods are suitable for use with plastic wrap. Some foods are not suitable to be covered with plastic wrap, because this will affect their health. Apple, pear, rape, Vegetable & Fruit Jiuhuang moisture larger suitable wrap. These fruits and vegetables use plastic wrap, not only long-term preservation, but also add some nutrients in it. In this study, the scientists found that 100 grams of Jiuhuang wrapped in plastic wrap, 24 hours after the content of vitamin C than not wrapped 1.33 mg, 1.92 mg of rape lettuce leaves much.

But radish, cucumber, beans, the test results are completely reversed. 100 grams wrapped in plastic wrap of the radish storage a day later, its vitamin C content was cut by 3.4 mg, beans cut 3.8 mg, cucumber storage day after night, its vitamin C loss equivalent to 5 apples. Cooked food, hot food, greasy food, especially meat, should be wrapped and kept in plastic wrap. After these food contact plastic, chemical composition will cause evaporation film materials, dissolved into the food, causing damage to health. In addition to plastic wrap, the food packaging products on the market are mainly fresh-keeping boxes and fresh-keeping bags. In the "water conservation", "quality", "maintenance points", the film will undoubtedly produce good results. But for the food which is not suitable for plastic wrap, it can be replaced by a crisper or a fresh-keeping bag.

Shandong Kangye Plastic Products Co.Ltd

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